Monday, January 18, 2010

Sadie and the Broken Bleed

I should just wait until Chelsea blogs this story but I can't wait, cause it is so cute. Chelsea, Linkin and Sadie came to visit us on Friday and Saturday, we had a great time. One things that we found so amazing was the energy Linkin has. Dad had pruned the plum trees in the backyard, the branch were all over the yard, many of them. Friday dad and Linkin worked on cutting them up and putting them in the yard waste container. We did a little Rock Band after we got back from the open house of the new gym where Linkin did at least 15 min. on the eliptical. Linkin did pretty good on both the drums and singing. He figured out on his own that he could hum along and keep the arrow thing on the line even if he didn't know the words, so he did good. Saturday after pancakes grandpa had to go to the gallery so Linkin helped me finish the cutting up of the branches, then we came in and had some lunch well we had it outside, that is when the tragedy happened. The tiles on the mosaic table have been shingling, Sadie had picked up a piece of the thin glasslike top of the tile, Linkin wanting to protect her from the danger pulled the thin sharp piece of tile away from her slicing her finger, causing it to bleed!! Her first bleeding cut or as she called it her broken bleed which when you think about it is exactly what it is. She would not be consoled. The only thing she would let happen was for a paper towel to be wrapped around her tiny finger. She held it on there all day, even during the time she was napping. No bandaid allowed, later she let Chelsea put a rubber band loosely around the paper towel. Linkin let me take a well deserved rest, "watched" Phineas and Feb while he jumped on the mini trap until mommy and Sadie woke up so we could play games on the Wii, which we did. Lots of bowling and boxing and baseball until grandpa came home and I could rest and grandpa played until it was time for them to head back to Salinas. He was courteous enough to let grandpa know "did I mention, I'm pretty good at golf." I hear from her mom that Sadie is doing much better. I also here that Linkin is getting a pretty fun gift for his birthday but don't tell, he doesn't know.

1 comment:

  1. Awe, What a sweet story, sounds like a lot lot lot of FUN! Poor Little Sadie. Miss everyone!
