Monday, April 19, 2010

Dead on the Bed

Well, we had an interesting weekend, when Robert comes to visit you always do!! Finally got a role in one of his films that I think I did OK with. Remember the art piece he did where he shot my picture with a high powered rifle like 95 time? Yes, then you won't be surprised that in my role in this movie I'm dead. I did feel that my days of making myself up as dead for Halloween paid off. My deadness was subtle not over done, no blood (shucks) and of course no lines to mess up. They only thing I had trouble with was the breathing. It seemed the more takes we had the more I felt a need to breath, the more I tried not to breath the harder it got. Also I had to be carried. These were people I know, who I go to church with. They tried not to grunt when they picked me up, which I really appreciated, they never made a comment in my ear shot. so I will just pretend that I wasn't heavy.
All in all it was really interesting, realized that being a actor is not a fun as it may at first appear. So heres to all those Hollywood people who have to work so hard being something they are not. Heres to Robert and Rod for what I am sure will be another great short.


  1. I can't wait to see the new film. Talked with dad a bit and sounded like it was gonna be heart Wrenching. Can't wait!

  2. Just read this to Robert, he really liked the Title Dead on the Bed. =) And I heard NO complaints about your acting abilities. :) You may have more talent then you even know!
