Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I love sister Hartey

Today was my temple service day. I enjoy my temple day for many reason. Today was special cause Sister Hartey was there. I haven't seen Sister Hartey for quiet a few months. I missed her sweet spirit and her friendly smile. Sister Hartey is 90 years old. She has one son and one grandson who is I think like 4 or 5 years old. Her husband is no longer alive, she babysits her grandson, she host the holiday dinners she serves in the temple once a week and she always happy and friendly. Oh, yes she is humble too. I love Sister Hartey.

1 comment:

  1. I Love Sister Graham. She is kind and beautiful and loving. She has Six AMAZING children and 15 (give or take) Wonderful grandchildren. She works in the temple, paints amazing pictures, makes the most beautiful cards you've ever laid eyes on. She's 60 years old but you'd never believe it. She serves her husband, her family, her ward, and her community daily. She is a wonderful chef and seamstress and she inspires everyone around her. She's the kid of lady who makes you want to be a better person. She is warm and kind and will always lift your spirits. Oh ya, she's humble too. I absolutely, completely LOVE Sister Graham, and Brother Graham's not so bad either!!!!
