Thursday, September 10, 2009

Run Silent, Run Deep

Attempt #2 @ blogging.
Ok, Run Silent Run Deep was a movie about a submarine, this blog is about swimming. Both have to do with water, cause my swimming is neither silent nor deep. To go deep you must be muscular, my body is like a human floaty. All those little cute fat cells keep me wonderfully afloat.
Swimming is not my strong suite, nor running, nor jumping, I'm a walker, so the fact that I go swimming several times a week is interesting. It all started with my husband having a gall bladder attack. Lots of pain, the solution was have the gall badder out!! Normally I would think he would go for that, if it offends you pluck it out, but NO, not this time, this time somehow reason took over and he decided if he got in shape his gall bladder would not bother him. Simultaneously Sarah decided the best gift she could give her dad was a personal trainer, the stars alined and voila, my husband turned into a jock, well it wasn't over night but nevertheless, a jock he is. As he transforms himself, with the help of the Sarahlike trainer, she starts to realize this guy is serious, so she invites him to participate in the swimming part of a triathelon, so he starts swimming and asks nicely if I would also like to swim.
Well, I never had swimming lessons. I can kind of swim, but I feel very self conscious about the whole thing. I'm thinking things like the life guard is going to 1. laugh, 2. stop me and say you can't swim laps cause that is not really swimming and 3. point me out to the other life guards so they can all have a good laugh. But that doesn't happen so I go. I like the water, it is just the swimming. So back and forth I go looking up at the beautiful blue sky. The pool closes for the summer. Bruce announces that we will now be going to Soledad to swim, no "would you like to go to Soledad to swim?" Just "now we are going to Soledad" OK, now I have to worry all over again about the 1,2, 3 but it doesn't happen so back and forth I go, with a smile on my face. Not silent, not deep but content.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you go and swim with Dad. How wonderful for you both to be able to do that. You look great too. You too have become a jock. You may not admit it but you are! by the way I love your blog!!
